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DataTables Plugin

This plugin add DataTables ( support to DokuWiki.

For more information see Datatables Plugin page on!

^ Column A ^ Column B ^ Column C ^
| Row A1   | Row B1   | Row C1   |
| Row A2   | Row B2   | Row C2   |
| Row A2   | Row B2   | Row C3   |

Column A Column B Column C
Row A1 Row B1 Row C1
Row A2 Row B2 Row C2
Row A2 Row B2 Row C3

<datatables header-rows="true">
| Row A1   | Row B1   | Row C1   |
| Row A2   | Row B2   | Row C2   |
| Row A2   | Row B2   | Row C3   |

Row A1 Row B1 Row C1
Row A2 Row B2 Row C2
Row A2 Row B2 Row C3

^ Name ^^
^ First ^ Last ^
| My | Name |
| Your | Name |

First Last
My Name
Your Name

Option Description Allowed values Default value
scroll-y Vertical scrolling px, integer, boolean false
scroll-x Horizontal scrolling px, integer, boolean false
page-length Number of elements to display per page integer 10
paging Enable or disable table pagination boolean true
ordering Feature control ordering (sorting) abilities in DataTables boolean true
info Feature control table information display field boolean true
order Initial order (sort) to apply to the table json [[0, 'asc']]
searching Feature control search (filtering) abilities boolean true
length-change Feature control the end user's ability to change the paging display length of the table boolean true
state-save State saving - restore table state on page reload boolean false
auto-width Feature control DataTables' smart column width handling boolean true
paging-type Pagination button display options simple – 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons only
simple_numbers – 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons, plus page numbers
full – 'First', 'Previous', 'Next' and 'Last' buttons
full_numbers – 'First', 'Previous', 'Next' and 'Last' buttons, plus page numbers
dom Define the table control elements to appear on the page and in what order string lfrtip


  • The option names are actually used as HTML5 data attributes, so they must be formatted with hyphens-and-lower-case instead of camelCase (see
  • Do not prepend option names with data-. The prefix will be added by the plugin.
  • Complex option values must be specified using valid JSON, wrapped with single quotes '. For example: order='[[0, "asc"]]' or search='{"search":"fred"}'.

The plugin also implements extra features beyond the options from DataTables jQuery library.

Option Description Allowed values Default value
header-rows Makes sure the table header contains at least the specified number of rows, so that it can be formatted by DataTables. It transfers the first rows of the table body into the table header if necessary. Particularly useful when formatting tables generated by other plugins, which may not have created a proper table header. integer 0 (no effect)
Attribute Default Value Description
fixed-header-enable false Enable FixedHeader extension
fixed-header-offset-top 0 Set a top offset
  • wiki/plugin/datatables.1443615811.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 9 years ago
  • by Giuseppe Di Terlizzi