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wiki:template:bootstrap3:config [2016/07/15 11:38] Giuseppe Di Terlizziwiki:template:bootstrap3:config [2018/02/21 22:24] (current) Giuseppe Di Terlizzi
Line 9: Line 9:
 (This adds a button to turn on / off fluid layout. See the fluidContainerBtn option below.) (This adds a button to turn on / off fluid layout. See the fluidContainerBtn option below.)
 +==== Theme ====
-===== Theme =====+^ Option ^ Description ^ Value Type ^ Default Value ^ ^ 
 +| ''bootstrapTheme'' | Bootstrap theme | multichoice | ''default'' | ''default'' \\ ''optional'' \\ ''custom'' \\ ''bootswatch''
 +| ''bootswatchTheme'' | Select a theme from | multichoice | ''yeti'' | ''cerulean'' \\ ''cosmo'' \\ ''cyborg'' \\ ''darkly'' \\ ''flatly'' \\ ''journal'' \\ ''lumen'' \\ ''paper'' \\ ''readable'' \\ ''sandstone'' \\ ''simplex'' \\ ''solar'' \\ ''slate'' \\ ''spacelab'' \\ ''superhero'' \\ ''united'' \\ ''yeti''
 +| ''customTheme'' | Insert URL of custom theme | string | ''null'' |  | 
 +| ''showThemeSwitcher'' | Show theme switcher in navbar | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''hideInThemeSwitcher'' | Hide themes in theme switcher | multicheckbox | ''null'' | ''cerulean'' \\ ''cosmo'' \\ ''cyborg'' \\ ''darkly'' \\ ''flatly'' \\ ''journal'' \\ ''lumen'' \\ ''paper'' \\ ''readable'' \\ ''sandstone'' \\ ''simplex'' \\ ''solar'' \\ ''slate'' \\ ''spacelab'' \\ ''superhero'' \\ ''united'' \\ ''yeti''
 +| ''useLocalBootswatch'' | Use the local Bootswatch directory. This option is useful in "intranet" DokuWiki installation | onoff | ''1'' |  | 
 +| ''themeByNamespace'' | Use a namespaced theme | onoff | ''0'' |  |
-^ Option ^ Description ^ Default Value ^ 
-| ''bootstrapTheme'' | Bootstrap theme | ''default'' | 
-| ''bootswatchTheme'' | Select a theme from | ''spacelab'' | 
-| ''customTheme'' | Insert URL of custom theme | ''null'' | 
-| ''showThemeSwitcher'' | Show theme switcher in navbar | ''0'' | 
-| ''hideInThemeSwitcher'' | Hide themes in theme switcher | ''null'' | 
-| ''useLocalBootswatch'' | Use the local Bootswatch directory. This option is useful in "intranet" DokuWiki installation | ''1'' | 
 +==== Sidebar ====
-===== Sidebar =====+^ Option ^ Description ^ Value Type ^ Default Value ^ ^ 
 +| ''sidebarPosition'' | DokuWiki Sidebar position (''left'' or ''right'') | multichoice | ''left'' | ''left'' \\ ''right''
 +| ''rightSidebar'' | The Right Sidebar page name, empty field disables the right sidebar. \\ The Right Sidebar is displayed only when the default DokuWiki [[config:sidebar|sidebar]] is enabled and is on the ''left'' position (see the [[sidebar-position|sidebarPosition]] configuration). If do you want only the DokuWiki sidebar on right position, set the [[sidebar-position|sidebarPosition]] configuration with ''right'' value | string | ''rightsidebar'' |  | 
 +| ''leftSidebarGrid'' | Left sidebar grid classes ''col-{xs,sm,md,lg}-x'' (see [[|Bootstrap Grids]] documentation) | string | ''col-sm-3 col-md-2'' |  | 
 +| ''rightSidebarGrid'' | Right sidebar grid classes ''col-{xs,sm,md,lg}-x'' (see [[|Bootstrap Grids]] documentation) | string | ''col-sm-3 col-md-2'' |  | 
 +| ''sidebarOnNavbar'' | Display the sidebar contents inside the navbar (useful on mobile/tablet devices) | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''sidebarShowPageTitle'' | Display Sidebar page title | onoff | ''1'' |  |
-^ Option ^ Description ^ Default Value ^ 
-| ''sidebarPosition'' | DokuWiki Sidebar position (''left'' or ''right'') | ''left'' | 
-| ''rightSidebar'' | The Right Sidebar page name, empty field disables the right sidebar. \\ The Right Sidebar is displayed only when the default DokuWiki [[doku>config:sidebar|sidebar]] is enabled and is on the ''left'' position (see the ''sidebarPosition'' configuration). If do you want only the DokuWiki sidebar on right position, set the ''sidebarPosition'' configuration with ''right'' value | ''rightsidebar'' | 
-| ''leftSidebarGrid'' | Left sidebar grid classes ''col-{xs,sm,md,lg}-x'' (see [[|Bootstrap Grids]] documentation) | ''col-sm-3 col-md-2'' | 
-| ''rightSidebarGrid'' | Right sidebar grid classes ''col-{xs,sm,md,lg}-x'' (see [[|Bootstrap Grids]] documentation) | ''col-sm-3 col-md-2'' | 
 +==== Navbar ====
-===== Navbar =====+^ Option ^ Description ^ Value Type ^ Default Value ^ ^ 
 +| ''inverseNavbar'' | Inverse navbar | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''fixedTopNavbar'' | Fix navbar to top | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''showTranslation'' | Display translation toolbar (require //Translation Plugin//) | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''showTools'' | Display Tools in navbar | multichoice | ''always'' | ''never'' \\ ''logged'' \\ ''always''
 +| ''showHomePageLink'' | Display Home-Page link in navbar | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''homePageURL'' | Use custom URL for home-page links | string | ''null'' |  | 
 +| ''showUserHomeLink'' | Display User Home-Page link in navbar | onoff | ''1'' |  | 
 +| ''hideLoginLink'' | Hide the login button in navbar. This option is useful in "read-only" DokuWiki installations (eg. blog, personal website) | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''showEditBtn'' | Display edit button in navbar | multichoice | ''never'' | ''never'' \\ ''logged'' \\ ''always''
 +| ''individualTools'' | Split the Tools in individual menu in navbar | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''showIndividualTool'' | Enable/Disable individual tool in navbar | multicheckbox | ''site,page'' | ''user'' \\ ''site'' \\ ''page''
 +| ''showSearchForm'' | Display Search form in navbar | multichoice | ''always'' | ''never'' \\ ''logged'' \\ ''always''
 +| ''showAdminMenu'' | Display Administration menu | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''useLegacyNavbar'' | Use legacy and deprecated ''navbar.html'' hook (consider in the future to use the '':navbar'' hook) | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''showNavbar'' | Display navbar hook | multichoice | ''always'' | ''logged'' \\ ''always''
 +| ''navbarLabels'' | Show/Hide individual label | multicheckbox | ''login,register'' | ''login'' \\ ''register'' \\ ''admin'' \\ ''tools'' \\ ''user'' \\ ''site'' \\ ''page'' \\ ''themes'' \\ ''expand'' \\ ''profile''
 +| ''showAddNewPage'' | Enable the Add New Page plugin in navbar  (require //Add New Page Plugin//) | multichoice | ''never'' | ''never'' \\ ''logged'' \\ ''always'' |
-^ Option ^ Description ^ Default Value ^ 
-| ''inverseNavbar'' | Inverse navbar | ''0'' | 
-| ''fixedTopNavbar'' | Fix navbar to top | ''0'' | 
-| ''showTranslation'' | Display translation toolbar (require //Translation Plugin//) | ''0'' | 
-| ''showTools'' | Display Tools in navbar | ''always'' | 
-| ''showHomePageLink'' | Display Home-Page link in navbar | ''0'' | 
-| ''showUserHomeLink'' | Display User Home-Page link in navbar | ''1'' | 
-| ''hideLoginLink'' | Hide the login button in navbar. This option is useful in "read-only" DokuWiki installations (eg. blog, personal website) | ''0'' | 
-| ''individualTools'' | Split the Tools in individual menu in navbar | ''0'' | 
-| ''showIndividualTool'' | Enable/Disable individual tool in navbar | ''user,site,page'' | 
-| ''showSearchButton'' | Display search button in Navbar | ''1'' | 
-| ''showSearchForm'' | Display Search form in navbar | ''always'' | 
-| ''showAdminMenu'' | Display Administration menu | ''0'' | 
-| ''useLegacyNavbar'' | Use legacy and deprecated ''navbar.html'' hook (consider in the future to use the '':navbar'' hook) | ''0'' | 
-| ''showNavbar'' | Display navbar hook | ''always'' | 
 +==== Semantic ====
-===== Semantic =====+Adds markup to enable basic support for semantic data. For full support use the [[:plugin:semantic]] plugin.
-Adds markup to enable basic support for semantic data. For full support use the [[doku>:plugin:semantic]] plugin.+^ Option ^ Description ^ Value Type ^ Default Value ^ ^ 
 +| ''semantic'' | Enable semantic data | onoff | ''1'' |  | 
 +| ''schemaOrgType'' type (''Article'', ''NewsArticle'', ''TechArticle'', ''BlogPosting'', ''Recipe'') | multichoice | ''Article'' | ''Article'' \\ ''NewsArticle'' \\ ''TechArticle'' \\ ''BlogPosting'' \\ ''Recipe''
 +| ''showSemanticPopup'' | Display a popup with an extract of the page when the user hover on wikilink (require //Semantic Plugin//) | onoff | ''0'' |  |
-^ Option ^ Description ^ Default Value ^ 
-| ''semantic'' | Enable semantic data | ''0'' | 
-| ''schemaOrgType'' | type (''Article'', ''NewsArticle'', ''TechArticle'', ''BlogPosting'', ''Recipe'') | ''Article'' | 
 +==== Layout ====
-===== Layout =====+^ Option ^ Description ^ Value Type ^ Default Value ^ ^ 
 +| ''fluidContainer'' | Enable the fluid container (full-width of page) | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''fluidContainerBtn'' | Display a button in navbar to expand container | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''pageOnPanel'' | Enable the panel around the page | onoff | ''1'' |  | 
 +| ''tableFullWidth'' | Enable 100% full table width (Bootstrap default) | onoff | ''1'' |  | 
 +| ''tableStyle'' | Table style | multicheckbox | ''striped,condensed,responsive'' | ''striped'' \\ ''bordered'' \\ ''hover'' \\ ''condensed'' \\ ''responsive''
 +| ''showLandingPage'' | Enable the landing page (without a sidebar and the panel around the page) | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''landingPages'' | Landing page name (insert a regex) | regex | ''(intro)'' |  | 
 +| ''showPageTools'' | Enable the DokuWiki-style Page Tools | multichoice | ''always'' | ''never'' \\ ''logged'' \\ ''always''
 +| ''pageToolsAnimation'' | Enable the Page Tools animation | onoff | ''1'' |  | 
 +| ''showPageId'' | Display the DokuWiki page name (pageId) on top | onoff | ''1'' |  | 
 +| ''showBadges'' | Show badge buttons (DokuWiki, Donate, etc) | onoff | ''1'' |  | 
 +| ''showLoginOnFooter'' | Display a "little" login link on footer. This option is useful when ''hideLoginLink'' is on | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''showWikiInfo'' | Display DokuWiki [[config:title|name]], logo and [[config:tagline|tagline]] on footer | onoff | ''1'' |  |
-^ Option ^ Description ^ Default Value ^ 
-| ''fluidContainer'' | Enable the fluid container (full-width of page) | ''0'' | 
-| ''fluidContainerBtn'' | Display a button in navbar to expand container | ''0'' | 
-| ''pageOnPanel'' | Enable the panel around the page | ''1'' | 
-| ''tableFullWidth'' | Enable 100% full table width (Bootstrap default) | ''1'' | 
-| ''tableStyle'' | Table style | ''striped,condensed,responsive'' | 
-| ''showLandingPage'' | Enable the landing page (without a sidebar and the panel around the page) | ''0'' | 
-| ''landingPages'' | Landing page name (insert a regex) | ''(intro)'' | 
-| ''showPageTools'' | Enable the DokuWiki-style Page Tools | ''always'' | 
-| ''showPageId'' | Display the DokuWiki page name (pageId) on top | ''1'' | 
-| ''tocCollapseSubSections'' | Collapse all sub-sections in TOC to save space | ''1'' | 
-| ''showBadges'' | Show badge buttons (DokuWiki, Donate, etc) | ''1'' | 
-| ''showLoginOnFooter'' | Display a "little" login link on footer. This option is useful when ''hideLoginLink'' is on | ''0'' | 
-| ''useGravatar'' | Load Gravatar image | ''0'' | 
 +==== TOC ====
-===== TOC =====+^ Option ^ Description ^ Value Type ^ Default Value ^ ^ 
 +| ''tocAffix'' | Affix the TOC during page scrolling | onoff | ''1'' |  | 
 +| ''tocCollapseSubSections'' | Collapse all sub-sections in TOC to save space | onoff | ''1'' |  | 
 +| ''tocCollapseOnScroll'' | Collapse TOC during page scrolling | onoff | ''1'' |  | 
 +| ''tocCollapsed'' | Collapse TOC on every pages | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''tocLayout'' | TOC layout | multichoice | ''default'' | ''default'' \\ ''navbar'' |
-^ Option ^ Description ^ Default Value ^ 
-| ''tocAffix'' | Affix the TOC during page scrolling | ''1'' | 
-| ''tocCollapseSubSections'' | Collapse all sub-sections in TOC to save space | ''1'' | 
-| ''​tocPosition''​ | TOC position | ''​right''​ | 
-| ''​tocCollapseOnScroll''​ | Collapse TOC during page scrolling | ''​1''​ | 
-===== Discussion =====+==== Discussion ====
-^ Option ^ Description ^ Default Value ^ +^ Option ^ Description ^ Value Type ^ Default Value 
-| ''showDiscussion'' | Display discussion link in tools menu | ''0''+| ''showDiscussion'' | Display discussion link in tools menu | onoff | ''0'' |  
-| ''discussionPage'' | Discussion page name (default is ''discussion:@ID@'', where ''@ID@'' placeholder replace the current page name), empty field disable the link | ''discussion:@ID@'' |+| ''discussionPage'' | Discussion page name (default is ''discussion:@ID@'', where ''@ID@'' placeholder replace the current page name), empty field disable the link | string | ''discussion:@ID@'' |  |
-===== Cookie Law =====+==== Avatar ====
-^ Option ^ Description ^ Default Value ^ +^ Option ^ Description ^ Value Type ^ Default Value ^ ^ 
-| ''showCookieLawBanner'' | Display the Cookie Law banner on footer | ''0''+| ''useAvatar'' | Load the avatar image from Gravatar, Libravatar, Microsoft Office365 or local DokuWiki '':user'' namespace | multichoice | ''off'' | ''off'' \\ ''gravatar'' \\ ''libravatar'' \\ ''office365'' \\ ''local''
-| ''cookieLawBannerPage'' | Cookie Law banner page name | ''cookie:banner''+| ''gravatarURL'' | Set Gravatar URL  \\  **NOTE:**  \\  - '''' (http)  \\  - '''' (https)  \\  - '''' (alternative https) | string | '''' |  | 
-| ''cookieLawPolicyPage'' | Cookie Law policy page name | ''cookie:policy'' |+| ''libravatarURL'' | Set Libravatar (or compatible API) URL  \\  **NOTE:**  \\  - '''' (https)  \\  - '''' (http) | string | '''' |  | 
 +| ''office365URL'' | Set Microsoft Office 365 (or EWS) URL  \\  **NOTE:** This service requires login, so this use case is most useful in a corporate installation, where all users have access to Office 365. | string | '''' |  | 
 +<callout type="warning" icon="true"> 
 +=== NOTE === 
 +For local DokuWiki avatar, upload the avatar image with the name of username on user namespace ('':user:<dokuwiki-username>.png'' -- also support ''.jpg'' file extension). 
 +==== Cookie Law ==== 
 +^ Option ^ Description ^ Value Type ^ Default Value ^ 
 +| ''showCookieLawBanner'' | Display the Cookie Law banner on footer | onoff | ''0'' |  
 +| ''cookieLawBannerPage'' | Cookie Law banner page name | string | ''cookie:banner'' |  
 +| ''cookieLawPolicyPage'' | Cookie Law policy page name | string | ''cookie:policy'' |  |
 The Cookie Law Banner Notice add a cookie called ''cookieNoticeAccepted'' to use in your JavaScript/PHP code (eg. to add Google Analytics only when the user accept the policy). The Cookie Law Banner Notice add a cookie called ''cookieNoticeAccepted'' to use in your JavaScript/PHP code (eg. to add Google Analytics only when the user accept the policy).
Line 117: Line 139:
 </file> </file>
-===== Google Analytics ===== 
-^ Option ^ Description ^ Default Value ^ +==== Google Analytics ==== 
-| ''useGoogleAnalytics'' | Enable Google Analytics | ''0''+ 
-| ''googleAnalyticsTrackID'' | Tracking ID | ''null''+^ Option ^ Description ^ Value Type ^ Default Value 
-| ''googleAnalyticsAnonymizeIP'' | Anonymize the IP address of visitors | ''0''+| ''useGoogleAnalytics'' | Enable Google Analytics | onoff | ''0'' |  
-| ''googleAnalyticsNoTrackAdmin'' | Disable tracking for the Admin users | ''1''+| ''googleAnalyticsTrackID'' | Tracking ID | string | ''null'' |  
-| ''googleAnalyticsNoTrackUsers'' | Disable tracking for all logged users | ''0''+| ''googleAnalyticsAnonymizeIP'' | Anonymize the IP address of visitors | onoff | ''0'' |  
-| ''googleAnalyticsNoTrackPages'' | Disable tracking for specified pages (insert a regex) | ''null''+| ''googleAnalyticsNoTrackAdmin'' | Disable tracking for the Admin users | onoff | ''1'' |  
-| ''googleAnalyticsTrackActions'' | Track DokuWiki actions (edit, search, etc) | ''0'' |+| ''googleAnalyticsNoTrackUsers'' | Disable tracking for all logged users | onoff | ''0'' |  
 +| ''googleAnalyticsNoTrackPages'' | Disable tracking for specified pages (insert a regex) | regex | ''null'' |  
 +| ''googleAnalyticsTrackActions'' | Track DokuWiki actions (edit, search, etc) | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +==== Browser Title ==== 
 +^ Option ^ Description ^ Value Type ^ Default Value ^ ^ 
 +| ''browserTitle'' | DokuWiki browser title (default is ''@TITLE@ [@WIKI@]'', where ''@TITLE@'' placeholder replace the current page title and ''@WIKI@'' replace the DokuWiki name) - see [[config:title|title]] config | string | ''@TITLE@ [@WIKI@]'' |  | 
 +| ''browserTitleShowNS'' | Display the previous page name of current page on the browser title | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''browserTitleCharSepNS'' | Character separator for every namespaces on browser title | multichoice | ''-'' | ''-'' \\ ''|'' \\ '','' \\ ''/'' \\ ''>''
 +| ''browserTitleOrderNS'' | Set the order of namespaces | multichoice | ''normal'' | ''normal'' \\ ''reverse'' |
-===== Browser Title =====+==== Page ====
-^ Option ^ Description ^ Default Value ^ +^ Option ^ Description ^ Value Type ^ Default Value 
-| ''browserTitle''DokuWiki browser title (default is ''@TITLE@ [@WIKI@]'', where ''@TITLE@'' placeholder replace the current page title and ''@WIKI@'' replace the DokuWiki name- see [[doku>config:title|title]] config | ''@TITLE@ [@WIKI@]''+| ''showPageInfo''Show page info (e.g., date, author) | onoff | ''1'' |  | 
-| ''browserTitleShowNS'' | Display the previous page name of current page on the browser title | ''0''+''useACL'' | Use ACL for sidebars (left and right) and for all DokuWiki hooks (eg. '':footer'', '':navbar'', etc. \\  **NOTE:** Available since "Elenor of Tsort" DokuWiki release onoff | ''0'' |  
-| ''browserTitleCharSepNS''Character separator for every namespaces on browser title | ''-''+| ''showPurgePageCache'' | Display the "Purge Cache Page" button in Page Tools | multichoice | ''never'' | ''never'' \\ ''logged'' \\ ''always''
-| ''browserTitleOrderNS'' | Set the order of namespaces | ''normal'' |+| ''pageInfo'' | Display/Hide page info elements | multicheckbox | ''filename,extension,date,editor,locked'' | ''filename'' \\ ''extension'' \\ ''date'' \\ ''editor'' \\ ''locked''
 +| ''pageInfoDateFormat'' | Date format | multichoice | ''dformat'' | ''dformat'' \\ ''human''
 +| ''showPageIcons'' | Display useful icons (print, share link, send mail, etc.) on page | onoff | ''0'' |  
 +| ''pageIcons''Select the icons to display | multicheckbox | ''social-share,feed,send-mail,permalink,print,help'' | ''social-share'' \\ ''feed'' \\ ''send-mail'' \\ ''permalink'' \\ ''print'' \\ ''help''
 +| ''socialShareProviders'' | Select the social share links to display | multicheckbox | ''facebook,google-plus,linkedin,pinterest,whatsapp,twitter,telegram'' | ''facebook'' \\ ''google-plus'' \\ ''linkedin'' \\ ''pinterest'' \\ ''whatsapp'' \\ ''twitter'' \\ ''telegram''
 +| ''tagsOnTop'' | Move all Tags on top of the page, beside the page-id (require //Tag Plugin//) | onoff | ''1'' |  | 
 +| ''useAnchorJS'' | Use AnchorJS | onoff | ''1'' |  | 
 +| ''collapsibleSections'' | Collapse 2nd section level (useful in mobile/tablet devices) | onoff | ''0'' |  | 
 +| ''domParserMaxPageSize'' | Set the max size of the page content for DOM Parser. The optimal and default value is ''600000'' (600KB) | numeric | ''600000'' |  |
-===== Page =====+==== Deprecated configurations ====
-^ Option ^ Description ^ Default Value +^ Option ^ Description ^ 
-| ''showPageInfo'' | Show page info (e.g., date, author) | ''1''+| ''useLegacyNavbar'' | Use '':navbar'' DokuWiki hook page (see [[#dokuwiki_hooks|DokuWiki hooks]] paragraph) | 
-| ''​useACL''​ | Use ACL for sidebars (left and right) and for all DokuWiki hooks (eg. '':​footer'',​ '':navbar'',​ etc.)  \\  **NOTE:** Available since "​Elenor of Tsort" release | ''​0''​ | +| ''useGravatar''Replaced by ''useAvatar'' configuration |
-| ''pageInfo'' | Display/Hide page info elements | ''filename,extension,date,editor,locked''+
-| ''pageInfoDateFormat'' | Date format | ''dformat''+
-| ''showPageIcons'' | Display useful icons (print, share link, send mail, etc.) on page ''0''+
-| ''pageIcons'' | Select the icons to display | ''social-share,feed,send-mail,print,help''+
-| ''socialShareProviders'' | Select the social share links to display | ''facebook,google-plus,linkedin,pinterest,whatsapp,twitter''+
-| ''tagsOnTop'' | Move all Tags on top of the page, beside the page-id (require //Tag Plugin//| ''1'' +
-| ''useAnchorJS''Use AnchorJS | ''1''+
-| ''​collapsibleSections''​ | Collapse 2nd section level (useful in mobile devices) | ''​0''​ |+
  • wiki/template/bootstrap3/config.1468575495.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 8 years ago
  • by Giuseppe Di Terlizzi